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license to thrill

Be sure you have your licenses and permits when recreating in Maine’s Kennebec Valley.

Maine Sporting Licenses

If you plan to visit Maine’s Kennebec Valley to take part in our abundant outdoor recreation and sporting opportunities, be sure you have the licenses and permits you need before you arrive. We recommend working with a Registered Maine Guide who can help you navigate your particular needs. Below are some top-line information, links, and downloads to get you started in planning your fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, and ATV riding adventures.

Maine’s Kennebec Valley covers portions of the following Maine Wildlife Management Zones: 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, and 23. Knowing which zone you will be hunting or fishing in will help you plan when you can fish/hunt and what you can fish/hunt.

ATV riding in The Forks. ©
ATV riding in The Forks. ©
World Class Fishing on the Kennebec River


A valid Maine fishing license is required for anyone 16 years of age or older to fish in inland waters or transport fish taken from inland waters.

Residents and non-residents may obtain fishing licenses from agents throughout the state at sporting goods stores, many convenience stores, town clerks, turnpike service centers, online, or our Department office in Augusta.

You are required to keep an electronic or paper copy of your fishing license with you while fishing or transporting fish. If requested to do so, must present it for inspection to any warden, law enforcement officer, MDIFW employee, guide, or landowner upon whose land you are fishing.


Maine residents may renew a snowmobile registration online. New registrations must be done through a registration agent or the MDIFW main office in Augusta. Non-residents may register or renew a snowmobile registration through a registration agent, at MDIFW main office in August or online. This online service allows you to register your snowmobile with the State of Maine.

You will receive a confirmation page to print for immediate use. Your official registration and stickers will arrive at the shipping address specified within thirty days. Registrations may also be obtained from licensing agents or by mail.


Maine residents may renew an ATV registration online. New registrations must be done through a registration agent or the MDIFW main office in Augusta. Non-residents may register or renew an ATV registration online. You will receive a confirmation page to print for immediate use, and your official registration and stickers will arrive at the shipping address specified within thirty days. Registrations may also be obtained from some licensing agents or by mail.

Agents may charge a fee of $1 for renewals and $2 for new registrations.

  • Resident season registration: $46.00
  • Nonresident 7 day registration: $76.00
  • Nonresident season registration: $91.00

All ATV registrations expire on June 30. New registrations only, beginning May 1 of each year, will be valid from the date of issue through June 30 of the following year.

Snowmobiling in The Forks
Guided hunting trips with Silverton Sporting Lodge, Canaan
Guided hunting trips with Silverton Sporting Lodge, Canaan


In general, anyone who hunts wild birds or animals in Maine needs a hunting license. The type of license you need depends upon your age, resident status, and other factors. There are some exceptions. In addition to a license, most hunting activities also require a permit, based on individual species. To obtain a hunting license in Maine, you generally need to show that you have either (1) held that license in a prior year, or (2) taken a hunter safety course. License-specific requirements and exceptions are found here.

Residents and non-residents may obtain hunting licenses from the MDIFW office in Augusta or online. Licenses can also be purchased from agents throughout the state (sporting goods stores, many convenience stores, town clerks, and turnpike service centers). Agents who process applications online for moose and antlerless deer permits may charge a fee of $2.00. 

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