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Look to the Stars

Explore the wonders of the night sky in Maine’s Kennebec Valley.

in the sky

Maine’s Kennebec Valley is a remarkable place to engage in an exploration of the night sky. Traveling along our roads or hiking a trail en route to high open spots, a skyward glance reveals that night will soon arrive. With darkness comes a sky filled with a stream of peppered light, forming a collection of familiar constellations, bright pinpoints of planetary light, and a gazillion other heavenly bodies.

Each night gives you a new chance to embrace your inner astronomer, step out of the light to re-tune your circadian rhythms, and hear the whisper-quiet wanderings of nocturnal animals as they go about their nightly explorations.

Camping under the night sky in Maine's Kennebec Valley
Wide night sky in Maine's Kennebec Valley

Star Light, Star Bright

On cloudless nights, especially during a new Moon, when our closest celestial neighbor hides from the Sun each month, the wonders of the night sky seem almost close enough to touch. It is then that vacation astronomers can expertly explore the universe that swirls around us with just a pair of binoculars and an app like SkyView (or similar).

Those with the right timing may witness a fly-by of the International Space Station as it reflects the rays of the setting sun. Take in one of Earth’s close encounters with the Moon and the planets, or marvel at one of the several meteor showers that scatter their streaks of wish-granting light across the night sky.

shoot for the moon

A new Moon makes an ideal time to observe the night sky, especially for distant star clusters and galaxies. Then, when the Moon is full, its magnificent and meteor-pocked face becomes fully illuminated for closer inspection.

While each month hosts both phases, there are instances where the full Moon will rise twice during a calendar month, a phenomenon known as a “Blue Moon.” Then, when the full Moon coincides with a close approach, we experience a Super Moon, where its proximity to the Earth makes it seem brighter and larger than usual.

Clear night sky view of the moon
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