Present your business to potential visitors already interested in spending time in Maine’s Kennebec Valley.
Visitor's Guide Advertising Opportunities
An advertisement in the award-winning EXPLORER Visitor Guide is the best way to share information about your business with an already engaged audience.
Travelers are still reading and responding to print, and are turning to brochures, maps, and guides more and more for valuable information on planning a vacation. As the Kennebec Valley’s official visitor guide, “The Explorer” inspires visitors before their visit and influences their choices of dining, lodging, shopping, culture, recreation and entertainment during their visit.
Each year, approximately 25,000 copies of the Maine’s Kennebec Valley EXPLORER Visitor’s Guide are distributed at Visitor Information Centers, travel shows, local businesses and in response to direct requests via our website.
LaST YEAR BY the Numbers
25,000+ Guides in Circulation
234K Web Sessions
145K Emails Opened
17K+ SM Followers
16.5 Million Digital Ad Impressions
905K Visitors
$553M Spent by Visitors
$905M Economic Impact

Where Visitors can receive or request a FREE copy of the annual Explorer Visitor Guide:
- In all Maine Visitor Information Centers, regional chambers offices, select local businesses, and advertiser locations.
- In selected travel information locations throughout New England, Pennsylvania
and New Jersey. - At tourism-focused events and festivals within the region.
- Requested via our web site and mailed directly into homes.
- Easily to view and download directly on our website.
- Available at Maine Office of Tourism shows nationwide and specialty shows around New England, Mid-Atlantic, and beyond.
Interested in Advertising in the 2025 Explorer Visitor Guide?
Contact Matthew Kovacevich at (207) 400-4699 or [email protected].